Blaine's World

Scrap Pieces

These things aren’t quite full projects, but lesser efforts that are still worth posting. Here are the scripts, hacks, modifications, explorations, and other miscellany.

CB Mic USB Interface

A USB interface that allows use of a 4 pin CB mic in games that support a keyboard “push to talk” key. This was intended as a quick prototype for a future project, but works much better than expected.

Flipper Wire Tester

A simple Flipper Zero app that beeps if a wire is continuous. Not nearly the utility of a full multimeter, but sounds just like one.

C Toys

Some small C programs that do silly things. This is a playground to scratch that itch that that comes with random ideas. Portability is not guaranteed.


Web server that hosts cURL-able terminal animations. This is nothing more than a small Flask app that hosts files at a fixed transfer rate. There’s also some user agent filtering to keep non-cURL clients out.


A simple shell script that converts animated GIF files into files that are compatible with Android. I wrote this to convert GIFs from GifCities into boot animations for my phone.

RetroFlag Pi Case Safe Shutdown Script

A replacement shutdown script for Retroflag’s Raspberry Pi cases. The original scripts by Retroflag have a messy installer and lack customization options so I wrote my own version.

WLN KD-C1 Teardown

I tried to find a teardown of the KD-C1 before I purchased it. I managed to find a video of a partial teardown, but this video stops short of removing the PCB from the plastic case (for good reason as seen below). I decided to go deep and completely disassemble the radio as far as I could.

J-Card Template

A printable in-browser template for creating cassette tape J-Cards. I created the template for a personal project, but ended up releasing it after finding several thriving online cassette communities.


A command line utility for uploading static site files to an S3 bucket. I created this simple utility after encountering issues with MIME type detection and costly ($) API calls in the official AWS tools.